Half Life: AlexGravity Gloves ruined a lot of other VR games for me, because the ability to direct and turn objects in my hand solved a lot of embarrassing maneuvering problems common in other games. It’s hard, after the elegance of the Half-Life system, to return to bending, avoiding, and holding onto the air to pick up things – or worse yet, your hands lacking in any collision with the world around you.
Enter modders. Specifically, enter modder FlyingParticle, which released HIGGS VR for Skyrim VR. It’s a mod that adds cuteness-style interactivity to Skyrim, and it looks like it works beautifully.
HIGGS stands for Skyrim Hand and Gravity Engagement Gloves. Virtual Reality-focused YouTuber Cangar made the video below to show off the mod features, and it contains everything you wish for an Alyx-inspired mod:
You can point to objects and turn them around in your hands. You can now use your hands to push things onto the tables. In-game hands will hold the models in natural positions, allowing you to carry bottles from the base, the tip, or any point on the side, for example. You can now drop items on your shoulder to place them in the pocket, which is a common feature in many FPS games. You can use this system to strip shields from defeated enemies. It even works with Skyrim’s heist system, highlighting things in red that will mark you as a thief to capture.
There are a few differences between this implementation and Half-Life: Alyx. For example, here you point your palm at things to pull them towards you, which I can only imagine as you get used to it. An .ini file is included but it will allow you to adjust some of its settings to your preferences.
Instructions on how to install and setup HIGGS VR can be found on the Nexus mod page. You will want to download VRIK adjustment To get the full experience seen in the video above, as this is what gives you in-game body and finger animations to grab things.
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