The general public mistakenly registers the vaccine through the Baptist Health Portal on Friday

Earlier in the week, Baptist Health responded to a request from the Kentucky Department of Health to create a web portal to meet the goal of vaccinating as many healthcare workers as possible by the end of January. State website is for health care personnel only. While officials say the page clearly specified that the vaccine is only available to health-care workers in Phase 1A, the scheduling tool did not display this information. The accident led many people to register for appointments, believing the vaccines were open to the general public. “We regret the confusion this has caused to our communities and have updated the scheduling tool with additional information,” she said in a statement. According to Baptist Health, more than 6,000 vaccination appointments have been scheduled at specific sites. “This will go a long way in advancing our goal of vaccinating and protecting our communities.” At this time, the health system respects the appointments that are made through the online scheduling system. The online schedule for the next two weeks is currently full and no additional appointments are accepted, but future openings will be available to patients soon, officials say.

Earlier in the week, Baptist Health responded to a request from the Kentucky Department of Health to create an online portal to meet the goal of vaccinating as many healthcare workers as possible by the end of January.

The portal was announced Friday and posted on the state’s website for health care personnel only. While officials say the page clearly specified that the vaccine is only available to health-care workers in Phase 1A, the scheduling tool did not display this information. The unfortunate accident led many people to register for appointments, believing that vaccinations were available to the general public.

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“We regret the confusion this has caused to our communities and have updated the scheduling tool with additional information,” Baptist Health said in a statement.

According to Baptist Health, more than 6,000 vaccinations have been scheduled at specific sites.

“This will go a long way in advancing our goal of vaccinating and protecting our communities.”

At this time, the health system respects the appointments made through the online scheduling system. The online schedule for the next two weeks is currently full and no additional appointments are accepted, but future openings will be available to patients soon, officials say.

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