Skyrim can run at 60fps on PS5 with one simple mode, and it doesn’t disrupt jackpots

This way, someone created a template for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition It makes the game run at 60 frames per second on PS5 (and PS4, kind of). Author of the Ministry of Defense, Mr. Wright, Posted a brief summary of how it works YouTubeAnd, it’s safe to say that Skyrim didn’t run better on PlayStation consoles.

By the way, you read the title correctly. As the description of the mod shows, you can actually run Skyrim at 60fps without sacrificing the Trophy functionality. Below is a quick step-by-step analysis of how to turn it on.

  1. Download and enable 60fps mod
  2. Run a save (or start a new save)
  3. Quit, return to the main menu (without closing the game completely)
  4. Disable 60fps mod in Edit menu
  5. Skyrim should now run at 60fps even without modding enabled, allowing for rewards (as long as you don’t use any other mods)
  6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 each time you open Skyrim

Again, if you have any other mods enabled, the prizes will still be unavailable.

And yes, this mode technically works on PS4 and PS4 Pro as well, but results are almost not noticeable compared to game playtime on PS5 through backward compatibility.

So you have it: Skyrim runs at 60 frames per second (about) on the PS5. Do you tend to return to the Dragonborn universe with this mode? Shout out in the comments section below.

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