British lawmakers approve the Brexit deal

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during the prime minister’s questions session in the House of Commons in London, UK, on ​​September 4, 2019.

Jessica Taylor | © UK Parliament | Reuters

London – UK lawmakers voted to approve Historic Brexit Trade AgreementWhich will be implemented on New Year’s Day.

The House of Commons voted, as expected, in favor of the agreement, and the country will emerge from a Brexit transition with the European Union at 11 pm local time on Thursday.

Members of parliament supported the deal by 521 votes to 73 before the December 31 deadline. This represents a majority of 448. The bill will now pass to the House of Lords, which is also expected to support it, before obtaining royal approval.

The opposition Labor Party supported the deal despite concerns, but there were some rebel lawmakers in the ruling Labor and Conservative Party.

The 1,246-page document, details of which were published on the UK government’s website, and the fraught last-minute negotiations left little time for any proper vetting before the deadline.

Scottish Prime Minister Nicolas Sturgeon has expressed disagreement with the agreement, and the UK fishing industry has given a lukewarm response, accusing British Prime Minister Boris Johnson of securing “a fraction of what the UK is entitled to under international law and government” has repeatedly said he will insure on behalf of the fishing industry Fish in the UK. “

Nearly 47 years after joining the European Union, Britain formally left the Union on January 31, 2020. In so doing, it became the first country ever to leave the European Union. However, it agreed to continue to follow European rules until the end of 2020 so that it can negotiate more friendly trade terms with the other 27 countries.

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On Christmas Eve, the two sides struck a “zero-tariff-quota deal” to help facilitate the trade of goods across the English Channel. It brought relief to exporters on both sides who would have faced higher fees and costs had no deal been reached.

The two sides have engaged in intense talks since March to determine how the trade will operate from January onwards. On Monday, European Union ambassadors approved a temporary request for the deal after work over the Christmas break. The European Parliament will vote on the agreement next month.

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