N1mm pota. Bug Reports; Feature Requests; Search; Website.
N1mm pota Video-Using N1MM+ for FD. Let's stat with the radio configuration. When a contest has a specific mode (SSB, CW or RTTY) then the Mode Category is automatically changed to that mode. It means something to me if another VE2 or a NY station heard an A91 on 20M for example. s3db Also downloaded FLTOTBBS. UDC looks before Editting, you need to edit the line “DefaultContestExchange =001 IO92SD” to reflect your Locator Square N1MM+ Documentation as of 2024-11-28. Before you start . The next time, I started the N1MM software, Com Ports 5 and 6 had an asterisk (*). General Membership Meeting. Rules. , W8MSC@US-4239-20181231-US-MI. I have N1MM connected to the radio. Parks on the Air. The documentation is updated to toolbox. The wise folks of N1MM+ will help you download and install it if this is the first time you will be trying. txt Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files My fist FT8 Parks on the Air Activation. udc”), and are stored in the UserDefinedContests sub-folder in the N1MM Logger+ user files folder, at Documents\N1MM Logger+\UserDefinedContests\. dll name. It is designed for POTA and works well. g. Several mobile apps can be used for POTA logging too. Val NV9L-N1MM. There a three POTA Contests for N1MM available in the UDC's (User defined Contests) part of the website. You likely need more or other specific information for the WI QSO Party. If you haven’t already, download the IC-7610 Windows drivers. io Subject: [WSJTX] WSJT-X - N1MM+ Logging issue I couldn’t find this issue posted before. Wait - WHAT NOW? Yeaaaah, I know. On that page scroll to the "The Complete List" and in its search field type PARKS. What I did for Field Day was to actually move the club outside of my personal account. I use N1MM because of its contesting and integration capabilities. I hope this helps, Eric, WD8RIF WSJT-X SETUP for N1MM+ During the PACCdigi contest we will use different frequencies for FT8 mode. Now close the menu and enter any call in Overview. Tennessee Parks on the Air. I operate as a Rover in VHF contest. hamdocs. There are a lot of nice logging programs out there to choose from, but N3FJP ACLog is one of the easiest to use for POTA. I didn’t want to risk doing anything until I had completed at least 120 CWT contests, which I did last week. io] On Behalf Of KEN Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 7:48 AM To: N1MMLoggerPlus@groups. I wonder what others are doing about COM port configuration when opening WSJT-X. Open the Contest Setup Dialog window from the File menu of the Entry Window. Could not find the problem. sec. adi fields required by POTA to log a contact – even with the POTA User Defined Contest (UDC) template!!! POTA ON! – A Beginners Guide Howdy, howdy! 17 March 2024 vanekcj@verizon. When submitting logs via email, follow the filename format: callsign@parkNumber-activationDdate. SDR Server refers to the local or remote N1MM SDR Server running and serving up spectrum data. Double click the N1MM Logger + icon on the desktop Installing and Upgrading N1MM Logger+; Interfacing Basics; Learning Your Way Around; Setting up for a Contest; Operating a Contest; Finding Help; Setup. N1MM Logger Documentation. QRZ doesn’t track the sig, sig_info, and other POTA fields. That is useful information since there might be a chance I can hear and actually work that station. Táto konfigurácia je lepšia ako predtým popísan tool-N komentoval POTA (Parks On The Air) Slovensko; OM1AEG komentoval NetTime – N1MM Logger Tutorials. p 2024 POTA Certificates; 2023 DU3MY Contest Certificates; 2023 POTA DU-0124 Bustos Heritage Park; 33rd Anniversary Special Net; 2023 World As of now, one the most convenient ways of generating Cabrillo logs is thru a logging program, e. Link to comment POTA Hunter Maps were displaying parks with 5 digit park numbers in the wrong place (corrected) 2. You’ll note that these files all have the extension “. You will see a box to upload your ADI file. Therefore, it will not be possible to import the same ADIF file into the same database more than once. You might want to begin by going to the website, selecting >Documentation >Manual-Supported Supported Contests List. Fast Log Entry has recently added POTA logging and I do a some quick demos of how to enter contacts after the activation and in real time. FD with N1MM. The official platform for discussing the N1MM Logger Plus contest logging program. N1MM Logger has now evolved N6TR's invention into what is called Enter Sends Messages, or ESM for short. Read More. QSO MAP - Google map with QSO markers - Display your ham radio contacts on a high resolution map Many Logging programs can be used for POTA. Device Manager still showed the Yaesu as Ports 5&6. This picture shows the logging fields that appear when you load the POTA. Software Setup; The Configurer; Contest Setup Dialog; Key Assignments – Keyboard Shortcuts; Function Keys, Messages and Macros; Skins, Colors and Fonts; Log4OM2 for day to day logging, N1MM for contests, HAMRS for POTA. If i’m running digital i use wsjt’s or fldigi’s native logs but i have been playing with gridtracker’s integrations. The radio will need to be connected to your PC using the USB 2. I'll use my ft991a, a tuner, a 40 ft pole, maybe the car battery From: N1MMLoggerPlus@groups. Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files Michael, There a three POTA Contests for N1MM available in the UDC's (User defined Contests) part of the website. Author: g4ogb; File size: 364 B; Downloads: 87; Updated: 2022-07-16; Categories: User Defined Contests; Download. Download Info. Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files Parks program for amateur radio, also known as Parks on the Air (POTA), including a map and list of entities for the program. Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files Popular Amateur Radio contest logging software N1MM Logger+ has a new website. This is my first contact using the rigs built in RTTY-L mode. Works Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; TN_POTA. Simply a MFJ whip on top of the truck using an old CB radio mag mount. FT Challenge Rules; FT Challenge FAQs; Logging Software; FT Challenge Cabrillo Format; Log Upload; Downloads; Lagniappe; Getting Software Setup. Even I, almost entirely computer illiterate, managed it! 73 - Rich, K1DJ. N1MMPlus Use for CMARA Field Day by Terry G. Pretty cool, no computer or software required. udc to the UserDefinedContests I which produced FL_SPOTA. An example of how to use this can be found in the After the contest chapter. You can follow Mr. I want to do some pota activations and get the best logger for this. Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files N1MM Forum; How-To Videos; Trouble Ticket. net Installing and Upgrading N1MM Logger+; Interfacing Basics; Learning Your Way Around; Setting up for a Contest; Operating a Contest; Finding Help; Setup. This is the same for all of the rows. N1MM, as we all know, is well-regarded by many amateur radio operators for its extensive features Maybe there is a new configuration file now, but the old N1MM POTA configuration file was for the ARRL Parks on the air, which has different logging. io> On Behalf Of Dave Tucker Nu4N Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 8:23 PM To: N1MMLoggerPlus@groups. The name of the file is whatever name you assigned to it when you first set up the program. The best two options for me are N1MM contest logger and paper logs. 0 coins. -- Marshall, AA0FO EM28ne With two different POTA groups requiring different fields, requests for various field layouts, desires for callbook lookup, LoTW upload and other features not built into the contest software, requests for the ability of user customizations, etc. Hopefully it can be to some assistance if your ha From: main@WSJTX. When I work in the field, N1MM is the choice and transfer to LOG4OM. októbra 2020 admin 0 Comments N1MM, SSB liga. If a contest is not supported now, it can usually be added using the Logger's "user-defined contest" feature. KE2YK’s Notes: My experience with I installed the POTA file in user defined location and fired up N1MM+ and it sets up fine. Most of these are blank because the other station was not in a park. So this week I spent some time before the contests getting N1MM working with the Flex. The frequency table can be found in Settings under tab “Frequencies”. Using the Xiegu G90 and Packtenna EFHW. StewPerry-009. DX, DXpedition, general = General Contest Logging (all modes). Records RS(T) + opName + POTARef and if new POTA. s3db or N1ZX. The idea is to get a better overview of FT8/FT4 traffic on a particular band. The WI QSO Party likely has different logging requirements. I have found lots of outdated and conflicting information in this forum. March 2024. There I've tried many different ways of logging, and nothing is foolproof. This tool is useful if you couldn't use a logging computer on your DXpedition or portable activity, if you want to digitize old paper logs or if you need a simple but Murray State University Amateur Radio Club Kentucky State Parks on the Air KYPOTA Official Contest Rules KYPOTA N1MM UDC File Purpose To promote public awareness of ham radio and Kentucky’s beautiful state park and The N1MM Logger database can not contain QSO’s with identical time stamps. I am using the newest version of N1MM Logger+. Many new ham radio enthusiasts often ask me which logging apps I use. com/n1mm-logger-documentation/manual-at-a-glance/W Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files Click on a photo to see the image larger. You can add or remove fields from the logging window, and customize the Tennessee Parks on the Air. Comments are closed. Go to the POTA app https://pota. The N1MM Logger+ online manual now consists of 31 web pages, reduced from the previous website For ham radio, FWIW, N1MM logger, WSJT integrated with N1MM, CWGet CW decoder, TimeFudge for nudging computer time for WSJT. You might want to begin by going to the website, World Amateur Radio Day Contest VHF. adi). Then I did the same as above. It's not good for IOTA or POTA, or rag chew logging, and such. K1USNSST. Operating digital modes during your activation adds complexity to your portable station. Save everything. When about to activate and you might not have Cell service, I usually spot myself ahead of time letting hunters know that I will be at a particular park in 30 minutes time. We are now ready to run the program. Home N1MM Logger Documentation. Its on their website but not included in the installation. Log4OM2 interfaces nicely with every online service I use, has an internal DX cluster that other software can connect to (FRStack in my case), has fields and lookup for N1MM is a fantastic free logging software used for ham radio and contesting. net N1MM Plus+ / RTTY Tutorial Happy St. All the operators who are registered within POTA automatically get credits for those QSOs they made during the operation. Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Program Translations; User Defined Contests; Most Popular; Docs. Simply open another database and contest prior to importing. pdf. udc to the UDC folder in your N1MM user files area – C:\Users\ {Username}\My Documents\N1MM Logger +\UserDefinedContests. The logging programs allow users to log their contacts with other radio amateurs, as well as track the progress of their POTA activations or POTA activities. Initial Installation. It's not really designed to have a single long-term log (like a couple years worth of contacts in Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files N1MM+ main window. Description; Section file for Tennessee Parks on the Air. Thanks!-- 73 de Ted Edwards, W3TB and GØPWW and thinking about operating CW: "Do today what others won't, so you can do tomorrow what others can't. Download/Copy this help file to your PC from within N1MM+ by selecting >Tools >Download and Install latest pdf. Now n1mm_toolbox can act as gateway between N1MM/DXlog and Log4OM. For the purpose of this guide, we’ll assume that you’re operating in the CQWW SSB contest. The first class of digital modes comprises “conversational” keyboard-to-keyboard modes in which the two parties to a QSO exchange messages made up of characters (letters, numbers or punctuation characters). Something like POTA. io Subject: Re: [N1MM+] Best way for logging POTA Hi Michael, Good question, i need to know as well so i will follow if anyone knows. N1MM can directly integrate with Michael, There a three POTA Contests for N1MM available in the UDC's (User defined Contests) part of the website. N1MM is my favorite price: free. When I'm asked this question, I pause and ask what they are currently using. Note that N1MM SDR Server can be running on a different computer, but must be started manually. N1MM Forum; How-To Videos; Trouble Ticket. FCARC Meetings. Click on either File >New Log in Database or File >Open Log in Database. WSJT (FT8,FT4) versus other digital modes (RTTY, PSK) There are two broad classes of digital modes supported by N1MM+. The Contest Setup Dialog – Basics. My process, when switching between CW and FT4, was to open the N1MM configuration window and change my rig COM port to N1MM Logger is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. Bug Reports; Feature Requests; Search; Website. Go to Files > UserDefinedContests(UDC) and download the file RSGB_40QP. io <N1MMLoggerPlus@groups. I can plug it into my How do I use N1MM+ with a POTA activation? I currently use DX "contest" for all my general logging. I use this POTA file which seems to work just fine in creating an ADI that I then fed into ON6ZQ’s translator. 73. After the event, I generate an ADIF and upload it to POTA for W8UKE. Digital Modes. Parks on the Air (POTA) Program Overview KEVIN CULP, KZ3L AND JACK KIBELBEK, N8EU WARREN COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO ASSOCIATION APRIL 5, 2022. Software Setup; The Configurer; Contest Setup Dialog; Key Assignments – Keyboard Shortcuts; Function Keys, Messages and Macros; Skins, Colors and Fonts; 1. I have moved to HAMRS. Considering POTA opportunities. Advertisement Coins. sec « Back to All Downloads. io Subject: [N1MM+] Texas POTA Contest #file-notice Does N1MM have a undefined contest for any of the POTA QSO Parties? I just worked the Texas POTA contest. Follow-up Changes. It is convenient to put these frequencies in the frequency list, to prevent WSJTX to hop back to the default F8 frequencies on the band. 8. Note: This guide assumes that you have downloaded and installed N1MM Logger+ and the latest updates on your computer. I have been using N3FJP for POTA,( Parks On The Air). The default port for Radio 1 is 13065. I have tried to simultanously connect GridTracker to WSJT-X. The program’s features are continually changing, and the manual may sometimes fall behind the code when this happens. Alternatively, if you wanted to continue to use the same message files you used with Classic without editing them to remove all those leading wav\’s, you could create a new wav sub-sub-directory inside the wav sub-directory in the N1MM From: N1MMLoggerPlus@groups. 3rd Monday of the Month 7:00 PM Maplewood Middle School 1600 Midway Rd Menasha, WI 54952 Meet in the Community Room – Door 17 N1MM Logger is the world’s most popular ham radio contest logging program. Contest Setup Dialog. By default, this will be a directory called N1MM Logger+ in your Documents folder, but it is possible to direct the installer to place it at some other location (for example, at C:\HamRadio\N1MM Logger+, in order to avoid problems caused by the use of a cloud backup If you have questions about N1MM+ or encounter “bugs” during its use, please post to the N1MM+ Forum for getting your questions answered. ) •Updaten van N1MM •Waar staan de belangrijkste N1MM-bestanden 3. You can go to “My Activations” and “View” on the right side of the page to review your POTA logbooks. APP_N1MM_CONTINENT – content of the Continent field APP_N1MM_CONTACTTYPE – content of the ContactType field (e. TN_POTA. However, I am new to this POTA event . CAT can be a problem if you have more than one program accessing the radio, a port sharing program solves that. Presentation-Using N1MM+ for FD. Started checking things. Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files WIPOTA plugin for the N1MM logging software: Click Here. Types of Contests in the List. This option is grayed out when networking is turned on. Yaesu FTdx10 RTTY mode Parks On The Air contact. This guide contains some best practices and hints to help activators run digital modes from a park. Pages: FLE :: Download:: Documentation:: Donate Fast Log Entry (FLE) is a text editor and logger to enter QSO data as easily and quickly as possible without redundancy in real time or offline. That's a good add on. No issues with either. UDC file to your computer’s hard drive in the UserDefinedContests directory in the N1MM Logger+ user files area, at My Documents/N1MM Logger+/UserDefinedContests Restart N1MM Logger+ see below to see how the UDC File VHFRSGBM7. I will assume that at least you have WSJT-X alone working correctly with your radio, having CAT Control plus audio to and from WSJT-X. Icom 7300 Settings for N3FJP ACLog. This is a quick video of my fast up and down Pota setup. So I use that database for any new logs where station call is Hope all is well and I always marveled at your dexterity and speed using N1MM while activating CW. There is one, it is not immediately What I have done initially on my computer for using K4BFT, is within N1MM+ I set up a new database for K4BFT. For N1MM SDR Server, the source name defaults to the extio. It's N1MM and is exremely popular with both DXpeditions and Contesters alike. Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files This year and next, I plan to operate many Parks on the Air (POTA) activations. 1 means radio 1 was the Run radio, 2 means radio 2 was the Run radio. I move the logs from those apps to Log4OM then upload to QRZ/LOTW from there. But second, I enjoy working stations in the POTA (Parks On The Air) program. While traveling I had the opportunity to activate a couple of parks for Parks On The Air (POTA). If unable to use the self uploader, the second option is to email your log coordinator, attaching the ADIF file. If i’m contesting I use N1MM. 2m only. io] On Behalf Of Pat Patterson Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 4:12 PM To: main@WSJTX. I am helping an upcoming DXpedition get N1MM to control the frequency shown in MSHV. The 7th column is MY_SIG_INFO, which is the POTA designator (K-8295) for the park I was activating. N1MM+ is a powerful software logging program that is popular with contesters. More Help: https://n1mmwp. Logging software is available for a variety of platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Software Setup; The Configurer; Contest Setup Dialog; Key Assignments – Keyboard Shortcuts; Function Keys, Messages and Macros; Skins, Colors and Fonts; Norm: N1MM has a user defined contest for POTA. N1MM Logger+ (aka N1MM+) is free contesting software that supports virtually all amateur radio contests. Introduction; Downloading the Software; Downloading Digital Software; Installing and Upgrading N1MM Logger+; Interfacing Basics; Learning Your Way Around; Setting up for a Contest; Operating Parks program for amateur radio, also known as Parks on the Air (POTA), including a map and list of entities for the program. I brought 3 laptops, set up accounts on each using k4bft. If you discover that certain band or mode choices are greyed out, take a look at your Telnet window Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files External UDP Messages pass information from N1MM Logger+ about the contest in progress to various third-party software programs. All contests are supported ‘both’ sides unless specifically mentioned. s3db. used the UDC editor to rename this file to FL_POTA as an additional step The info indicates that at this time the new file N1MM Logger+ (aka N1MM+) but the logging is very similar to a contest. The USB 3. The first step is to turn it on. 73 Copy to \Documents\N1MM Logger+\CallHistoryFiles\ on your computer. It's #2 right below the open one, "DX. exe and save a shortcut to your desktop like so: Supported Contests Setup. Configuring N1MM+ to Communicate with IC-7610. Activators carry portable radio gear up to designated summits and "activate" the peak by making at least four contacts from within the activation zone. The default port for Radio 2 is 13066. We log with N1MM Logger+ and every time we change operator, we type “OPON” and enter the new operator’s callsign. I regularly operate FT8 in the field for POTA and VHF contests. By Bob KV4PC · #488 · want to start doing POTA. Are there any plans to support club POTA operations for N1MM? We have received several help tickets from people trying to use N1MM for their club and have had issues getting logs accepted by POTA. Connecting WSJT-X to N1MM has been a success, making wsjt-x-logging more visible. Also, please Many people ask me what logging sotware I use. 73 & 44,-Jim NU0C Zero District POTA Area Coordinator I operated CW, SSB, and FT4 in the Field Day contest. To help activators prepare, But when I hear a POTA station, I have already prepared a separate UDC file for POTA contacts. s3db, N1MM Packet Spots. I love using it for POTA as well since it provides logging as well as complete r A quick video about how to set up user defined contests on N1MM+ logger. Glagowski / W1TR I log in various entry points like you - if it’s portable/SOTA/POTA i either use paper or hamlog iOS. If the park spans multiple states, include the activation state (i. There is already a good N1MM+ POTA UDC. I have reviewed the various UDCs available and nothing seems to support this. toggle quoted message Show quoted text On Apr 3 Spot Filter Tips The Available window band/mode settings only affect what is displayed in the Available window’s spot list. All Messages By This Member #78410 I'm not a digital guy at all but helping out the guy that is setting up FT8 with N1MM for FD. Configuration of TS-2000 in N1MM. io [mailto:N1MMLoggerPlus@groups. I turn paper into adif using FLE or just manually if it’s not many contacts. Introduction; Downloading the Software; Downloading Digital Software; Installing and Upgrading N1MM Logger+; Interfacing Basics; Learning Your Way Around; Setting up for a Contest; Operating We can probably all agree that N1MM, as awesome as it is for freeware, Fast forward a few years (decades?) and I came across a post about customizing ACL for POTA use. Hint: use right mouseclick in the menubar - you can switch the windows without using F-Keys! The userinterface is totally renewed and more flexible. Rules and Forms. Patrick’s Day Everyone! To celebrate I’ve uploaded my tutorial on how to setup N1MM Plus+ logger and RTTY. I am using the newest version of MSHV , 2. I’ve used N1MM+ Logger from Configurando porta no N1MM chamando geral CQ A viewer asks: how do I log my Parks on the Air contacts? Joe and I go through a couple of methods for logging both with and without a computer. Passo a passo para instalação e configuração do software. This was taken at the Beach On my cluster (va3mw-7 . D for dupe) APP_N1MM_ISRUNQSO – 0 for contacts made while in S&P mode, 1 for contacts made while in Run mode APP_N1MM_RUN1RUN2:1 – content of the Run field. Installatie N1MM op je computer (praktijk) •Installatie van de software •De eerste instellingen (database, station data, etc. Mults N1MM+ can be linked to your rig so you don’t need to enter mode, frequency, and band in the log – nice It can also be linked to wsjtx and GridTracker for digital operations N1MM+ does not generate all of the correct . Associating Call History File with a Contest If you want to have a specific Call History Lookup file loaded and enabled whenever you start that contest, add the filename to the Associated Files tab for the contest log. Less chance of data mingling that way, I hope. Do I put in every time the park number I am operating from, or can leave it blank? As a park activator? Thanks, Kent KQ4KK Digital modes for POTA activators . The full install of N1MM Logger+ is available here, while the latest updates are here. augusta 2020 16. I have UDP from N1MM to MSHV on port 2233. N1MM_TOOLBOX Version 16. , KA8H@US-1515-20201127. N1MM+Website How-To Videos. the garden). Hi Guys, here is a short video of my setup with Thetis and N1MM working SSB, CW, MMTTY and FT-8 with WSJTX. 0. Re-started the N1MM software. I wasn’t able to get things working correctly for the 1300Z one in the morning, but I had things running by the 0300Z one at night. Lacking that, is there a tutorial someplace on creating UDC files? Installing and Upgrading N1MM Logger+; Interfacing Basics; Learning Your Way Around; Setting up for a Contest; Operating a Contest; Finding Help; Setup. POTA States & Provinces maps (3 maps) added dark blue background for better visibility These N1MM ADIF files can be very large. WI State Parks. Register; Login; Search for: Search. debugging mode pane moved to below spots table ; On a 403 from pota. Spots flow to them through the band/mode and filter tabs of the Telnet window, and so must be the same as, or more restrictive than, those settings. This location is called the N1MM+ user files folder or the N1MM Logger+ user files area in this manual. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched. v 1. Self Spot enabled. There are other databases also used by the program – N1MM Admin. Some may even be using paper logging and looking for an upgrade. Open the Config menu in the Entry Window, and select ESM. Downloading and installing the program is described in detail in the Getting Started section of this manual, at Downloading the Software and Installing the Software. Reply Start N1MM>Files>New LOG> Log Type FLSPOTA is not present in either the ham. The eleventh column is SIG_INFO, which is the POTA designator for the other station. Connected to my ICOM 7100 with a single USB cable for both CAT control and "sound card" audio. Exchange: RS (T)+Age as at 1st Jan. If I'm around the house inside my WiFi, I needed to think about exporting all the contacts I made to ADIF to import into my master log. and me on our travels via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Like what yo Dave, you have to install the POTA. It gives a Rover entrant a quick, easy way of changing counties, re-programming F-key messages in one step, and produce a single composite 100% offline mode available for field-day, POTA, SOTA, IOTA and/or mobile use. SOTA is an addicting contest-like activity for amateur radio operators who love the outdoors. udc file. Premium Powerups Explore I use the HAMRS iOS app in the field and N1MM+ for contesting. Activate Parks. adi (e. 0 port is for different functionality and will not work for . So far I have a working connection between WSJT and GridTracker (GT). " ve3ki. The Yaesu showed up in Device Manager and in N1MM as Com Ports 5 and 6. 7 Misc used to replace Comment. N1MM+ is not a general-purpose logger; there is no support for Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files Within WSJT-X/JTDX. Porta COM, DVK e etc. It is overkill for just POTA, but I use it to have a consistent logger and radio control interface. Exchange:POTA/S/P/DX 1pt/qso, Satellite 50pts, Bonus Calls 25pts. Thanks Any help would be When you open the Editor you will first be asked to select a User Defined Contest file. Mults - Park Ref per band. N1MM will complain that it can not control the TS-2000. It shows in my Contests list under the FILE pulldown menu. It's pretty simple. I can figure out all the entry blanks except "POTA-REF" for each entry. pota@ (the email address of the HARC account on the POTA system) and then configured a separate instance of N1MM. Right click rigctlcom. [For most exchanges, the "Enter Sends Message" feature of N1MM+ solves all of that. So when you select CQWWSSB for the CQ World Wide SSB contest the Mode Category will be set by the program to SSB. I have a separate log for that one. Answer the questions and hit submit and it will appear as shown below. 5 Treat 2fer as a Rover. Flyer. 0 port. This will be a step by step instructional on how to WSJT-X, JTAlert and N1MM Logger+ all working together, not using the Digital Interface within N1MM Logger+. Home Call History Files (398) Call History Files (398) Follow category; Unfollow category; Sort by: Layout: All downloads (1205) Showing 1-50 of 398. Why do so many people recommend using a Winkeyer with N1MM Logger, instead of serial or parallel port keying? N1MM logger supports Rover or Mobile operation in the ARRL VHF contests and all QSO parties. In this article we’ll look at how to use it for simple logging. He has both controlling the radio and PTT but QSOs entered in WSJT-X do not go into N1MM. UDC file to get the format for logging as a POTA. , it Konfigurácia N1MM pre SSB ligu 7. s3db, and Do_Not_Use_Or_Erase. Some may be using FT8, while others may be building their POTA setup and trying to improve their logging. Use the drop-down menu choices to select the desired Documentation section. How did it go? Join me and see!Consider becoming a Patron @ https://www. I use it both for general loggin Condensed POTA Spots Toolbar Added ‘Call not found’ pop-up Version 1. He is an avid contester and uses N1MM for nearly everything – including POTA activations. va3mw. UDP Messages can be sent to remote addresses, provided the receiving computer can be reached through it’s local router. io [mailto:main@WSJTX. Using Call History in N1MM+ Doug Reece, AK4AO. hf cw&ssb = Supported HF Contests – CW and SSB. EXCEL Logger: Click Here. org port 41112) I limit spots to those in the NE of North America for a source, meaning that the station that heard the DX actually logged it. UDC. app API call, display warning that page needs a refresh. INTRODUCTION •Presenters •N1MM Plus (Windows) •RUMLog (Mac/iOS) •Custom spreadsheets •FLE - Fast Log Entry •ADIF Master (great to check ADIFs) AWARDS Fast Log Entry (FLE) - Version 3. v1. app/#/ and underneath where your call sign appears click on “My Log Uploads”. Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; TN_POTA. Note that both of these choices include the name of the database that will contain this log. 6 Bug Fixes: Logbook form auto-focuses to Title input Allow decimals and values lower than 1 in TX_PWR field. 10 thoughts on “ Radio in the field: Two new POTA activations this weekend! N2NWK-Del May 26, 2023 at 10:46 pm. s3db, but all the QSO data are in that first one. HamFest Updates. toggle quoted message Show quoted text On Apr 3 Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Program Translations; User Defined Contests; Most Popular; Docs. I'm pretty good with N1MM and he's pretty good with WSJT-X. POTA at Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the Potomac Started November 27, 2023. When looking up N1CC-Hunter stats, ignore band of "INVALID" retrieved from pota db. Documentation At-A-Glance; Getting Started. B. Just follow along Go to the hamlib folder you checked in Step 2. However, some of our potential DU3MY Memorial Contest participants do not have Here's why: besides using N1MM+ for contests, I use "DX" as my daily log. LoTW doesn’t track POTA details. ; Set Start Interpolation Time and Row – Used to adjust times in the log, often when entering contacts manually after the contest. Only if your Forum questions are unanswered, or if directed to do so by a member of the N1MM Dev Team, escalate your issue by logging a Bug Report on the >Support >N1MM Trouble Ticket system. I manually switch over to that log, enter the POTA QSO, and then switch back. Off-Air Messaging System (Message potential QSO partners over the Internet) Real-time spotting of other GridTracker and Log4OM users; GridTracker is currently under active development with you in mind, tell us what you’d like to see! If problems continue, post a message on the N1MM Logger email reflector asking the other users for help. The purpose of this section of the manual is to document advanced methods for setting up the program for multiple independent configurations. " So when I hear a POTA station I just hit "F12" and voila! My POTA N1MM+ log is open and ready to go. So really, that’s all you need to operate contests with N1MM Logger controlling your radio – the Entry Window, the Check Window, the Log Window and the Bandmap. groups. N1MM Logger+ RTTY Quickstart Guide; Operating WW Digi with N1MM+ Operating WAE RTTY with N1MM+ Finding & Removing Hidden COM Ports; Records, Rules & Results; WW-Digi Contest; FT Challenge. More YouTube videos & Presentations. g4ogb 92 downloads 2022-07-16. FLE : https://df3c Show rates to this QSO in Info window – If the Info window is open, displays QSO rate up to the selected QSO. Changes include fewer pages, better search capability and bug/issue-tracking visibility and reporting, and a comprehensive, easier-to-use listing of all supported contests. We're getting back to basics by looking at key parts of a Parks on the Air activation. Ignore that and exit N1MM. Introduction; Downloading the Software; Downloading Digital Software; Installing and Upgrading N1MM Logger+; Interfacing Basics; Learning Your Way Around; Setting up for a Contest; Operating Downloaded the N1MM and WSJT software. Introduction; Downloading the Software; Downloading Digital Software; Installing and Upgrading N1MM Logger+; Interfacing Basics; Learning Your Way Around; Setting up for a Contest; Operating So for my POTA work, I just commit myself to holding down the "Fn" key with left thumb and then press the desired F keys. Supported Contests List. may have missed it in my search. e. 6 March 2024 vanekcj@verizon. First, if you have made custom changes to the WSJT-X or JTDX settings and wish to retain those same settings when running together with N1MM+, you might want to follow the procedure described in the colored text Installing and Upgrading N1MM Logger+; Interfacing Basics; Learning Your Way Around; Setting up for a Contest; Operating a Contest; Finding Help; Setup. Works fine. , N1MM Logger+. Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Program Translations; User Defined Contests; Most Popular; Docs. Section file for Tennessee Parks on the Air . There are plenty of resources on the web about setting it up, and we can Archive Files (1/2021) – N1MM on WindowsXP; Category Listing; Category Menu Additional Support Files; Call History Files; Documentation Downloads (PDF) Documentation Translations (PDF) Function Key Files – CW; Function Key Files – Digital; Function Key Files – SSB; How-To Videos; Program Files – Full Install; Program Files A fellow member of my club has very strong opinions about logging. Helps collect the right stuff during an. he is a prolific park activator and no doubt has used this a lot although I think he uses N1MM for his park roves. Software Setup; The Configurer; Contest Setup Dialog; Key Assignments – Keyboard Shortcuts; Function Keys, Messages and Macros; Skins, Colors and Fonts; For portable operations like POTA or Field Days, I use a Surface Go 2, which is obviously a windows machine, as well as operations around the house (e. udc. the main N1MM logger program. This week I head to Dewy Marsh State Natural Area in Wisconsin (POTA K May I ask: Does N1MM+ have a UDP for operating POTA? Showing my ignorance. Download the . N1MM logica •Waarom is het zo opgebouwd •N1MM logger is géén HamRadioDeluxe •Implementatie van N1MM thuis en op de DEC (in een netwerk) 2. dxcluster. I would pay for a POTA version or even as said before a version aimed for NCS Stations. Step 5: Create a virtual TS-2000. At a recent presentation to club members he derided pencil and paper loggers and said “this is the 21st Century!” I wasn’t offended; he said it in a bit of a tongue-in-cheek manner. udc N1MM Logger+ stores all your QSO data in a file with the extension . You might want to begin by going to the website, selecting The User Defined Contests listed below have been developed by users of N1MM Logger+, and should work as described although they are not officially supported by N1MM Logger+. That’s fine. Home User Defined Contests (393) User Defined Contests (393) Follow category; Unfollow category; Sort by: Layout: All downloads (1189) Showing 1-50 of 393. Open this help file from within N1MM+ by selecting >Help >N1MM Logger Manual The figure below shows a POTA log using ADIFMaster. sqdgjk deesw mmi ghytd momzvat ostqyq cyjz ctuydtz ygqht owql