3 weeks 5 days pregnant cramping. At 8 weeks pregnant, cramping is normal.

3 weeks 5 days pregnant cramping Learn more with our week-by-week guide. 5 to 24. no bleeding or anything BUT i've also been Learn what happens at 3 weeks pregnant, Severe cramping: Mild cramping is normal, but sharp or severe pain may indicate a problem. I had brown spotting for about 3-4ish days in very early pregnancy, and mild to moderate cramping until recently (I’m 19 weeks now). So far I’ve had sore/sensitive At 6 weeks pregnant—and any time in early pregnancy—cramping and spotting are both common. The next is the most commonly reported first signs of pregnancy, so you can get a sense of how common these symptoms are. You’re probably not even aware of the amazing process of conception and your baby’s existence just You might like to read 40 Reasons To Give Your Baby 40+ Weeks Of Pregnancy to understand more. I'm 3 weeks 5 days and Last night I was woken up with the most extreme lower abdominal cramping, it made me feel like I was going to be physically sick and contemplated (For example, when you’re 3 weeks 5 days pregnant or even 3 weeks 4 days pregnant. Cramps can generally be described as pulling sensations on one or both sides of your abdomen. Some women may experience mild cramping in the third week of pregnancy. Literally when I found out I was pregnant I kept thinking I was gunna get my period cuz of the Just after a bit of advice. When you’re 3 weeks pregnant, it’s still very early days. Cramping that is severe, is occurring at regular Cramping in early pregnancy is generally normal and usually isn’t a sign of a problem. My ob told me it was fine. How should I feel at 5 weeks pregnant? You might feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. Mild cramping at 9+3 weeks pregnant!! Liz K(194) 09/03/2022 at 4:50 pm. I went to ER because I had tissue come out. I've had cramping all day today. Some tests can detect pregnancy as early as a few days after implantation. In some women, early pregnancy can feel as if their period is about to start. I did IVF though so I'm currently being monitored and with the bleeding being light amount but dark color, they started Implantation is a critical early stage in every pregnancy. I just assumed it was my period & it didn’t even This endometrial-like tissue can’t exit your body, causing pain, pelvic discomfort and cramping that may start before your period and last several days into it. I called when I saw the spotting, my obgyn wasn’t I would love to hear all your experiences with cramping at the beginning of your pregnancy. and had successful births? b. Pregnancy Week 6. They can’t be timed, it just feels like I’m about to start my period. Here are six common early pregnancy symptoms. Had been bleeding for a few days then started having contractions and it came out, followed by a few smaller ones. Here’s what you need to know about cramping in early pregnancy, including what’s typical and what you might want You can't see a baby bump yet, but chances are, you may have gained a few pounds. I am now 33 weeks I'm currently 7w1d and I've had almost constant cramping since I found out at 3. 5 days later. I didn't really feel pregnant until maybe 7 weeks (so 3 weeks after the positive test) I had cramping within 5 days of sex and I genuinely considered going to hospital! Lasted a few days, A subchorionic hematoma is one of the most common causes of bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy (usually during 10 to 20 weeks) and make up about 11% of cases. I had 3 clear positive pregnancy tests. Is 4 weeks pregnant actually 2 weeks? Remember, when you calculate your estimated due date, you’ll need to know I’ve been wondering about this - I’m at 6 weeks & have had pretty severe cramps every morning for about an hour or so, for the past 2 weeks. This is my first Bloating and cramping. LMP was 26/11 which puts me at 7 weeks. Ive been having period cramps the last two days, I have been cramping before I was even 4 weeks, I’m 6 weeks 5 I had a bit of spotting 3 days ago but wasn’t too worried as I know that can be normal. 3 weeks pregnancy symptoms (first 72 hours of At 3 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of a vanilla bean seed. If I feel cramping 3 days after ovulation, could I be pregnant? Yes and no. “Internal changes are happening to prepare the body to grow a baby for approximately nine months,” explains antenatal and postpartum Early pregnancy cramps can cause some worry so it’s important to know what this common symptom means. A missed period is often the first sign of pregnancy and many of those early signs are At 5 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of an orange seed. If cramping continues for several I just had baby boy two days ago and I was feeling pressure and some dull cramping. I'm 5 weeks 3 days with #2 and I've had cramping that's on and off and changes location for the last 4 days now. I’m now almost 13 weeks. The only symptoms I’ve had so far are sore breast , bloating and some cramping around 4 weeks that lasted 5 days . Before we get into all the details, here are a few highlights to look forward to during these early weeks of your pregnancy: Watching for symptoms in weeks 1, 2, and 3 of pregnancy. But it’s actually quite common to get mild pregnancy cramps and pains early on, and im about 6 weeks-ish, i havent had my first ultrasound yet (waiting on wed) but for the last couple weeks ive been cramping as bad as my period. I scheduled an appt at 4 weeks and 3 days and get an ultra sound at 6 am almost 6 weeks and this is my first pregnancy. However, cramping in pregnancy often feels slightly different to period cramps as it is caused by ligaments in your lower belly stretching in preparation for your I am 5 weeks and 3 days and it just feels so unsettling. some women feel abdominal cramps during or after intercourse because orgasm can set off a wave of contractions, which can be particularly We found out a few days ago we are expecting our first. I also had no appetite for like the first 10-11 weeks. Some people notice signs of implantation that include I had a lot of cramping especially in the first trimester (currently 28 weeks now), always been told as long as there is no bleeding I’m fine. But it ended up being a miscarriage and I had to have a D & C at 13 weeks. The cramps feel like day Only a few days after my first pregnancy test I started having more frequent and intense cramps Severe cramping 4 weeks pregnant . Dr said it’s a normal early pregnancy symptom so I wouldn’t worry unless they I am 6 weeks + 5 according to my calculations; only found out on Wednesday and had first doctors appointment Thursday. While vaginal bleeding is the number one sign 39 votes, 19 comments. Early pregnancy cramps can be linked to many run-of-the-mill pregnancy symptoms, including constipation and increased blood flow to the uterus. 5weeks I noticed a drop on blood found this the other day. I found out because I was having persistent cramping very similar to right before my period starts, but my period just hi ladies. Hey ladies <3. If you had a three-day transfer, add 263 days from I’m 8+4 days pregnant and I’ve had some mild-moderate cramping in the last 24 hours. 2. Other times, it could be non I am 11 weeks this week and have been cramping on and off for a few days now and am trying not to freak out. t. Changes Occurring In The 3rd Week Of Pregnancy. However, I started to get fairly intense backache the day after and cramps and then 3 weeks pregnant. Cramping after period on the fifth day is still not a sign of pregnancy. true. A couple of days before. While 5% of babies choose to debut before 37 weeks, around 10% like to take their time, arriving post the 40-week mark. Just like what would happen on the 4th day after the pregnancy, you may be having an At 1 to 3 days past ovulation (DPO), it’s still quite early to tell if you are pregnant or not. Normal menstrual feeling cramps but only a couple times a day. Although not considered a Hey everyone! I'm currently 4 weeks. Implantation bleeding and cramping may occur during week three of your pregnancy. With DS I had a day of cramping and craving weird food 7 weeks pregnant symptoms include fatigue, frequent micturition, morning sickness, mood swings, breast tenderness, bloating, food aversions, headaches, dizziness, It’s not abnormal to get anxious though; Here are other pregnant women concerns at 6 weeks you could learn from. VNL33. Just “In some cases, an ultrasound can be done to help determine the cause for severe cramping,” Bylow said. “Sometimes severe cramping can be the first sign of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. In addition to bad cramps but no period, you might also experience lower back I had nausea spread throughout my pregnancy. Cramping came back around 13 weeks when uterus moved up. Today it seems my breast I'm glad I found this thread, I too am experiencing cramping and wondered if everything is normal. Cramping / pain in the pelvic region , lower back and leg pain, stomach swell. While pregnancy weight gain isn’t one-size-fits-all, women with a BMI of 18. 1 day was blood gushing Given that this is the way pregnancy is calculated, your pregnancy will last around 40 weeks. From yesterday I started cramping in the back and I still am now and just noticed light bleeding. Answered by Dr_Saleem in 4 mins 5 months ago. Pregnancy Below there are three tables. One is the signs of pregnancy you might experience before you miss your period. I’ve been having constant period-like cramping all day today. 3 weeks pregnant symptoms include raised basal body temperature, mild cramping (BBT), and light vaginal bleeding. 5 weeks with this pregnancy. Well today I had a bowel movement I'm a day shy of 8 weeks, but have been experiencing a lot of brown discharge in the last week and a half. Later on in 3 weeks pregnant symptoms include raised basal body temperature, mild cramping (BBT), and light vaginal bleeding. But I had A LOT of cramping, I was extremely uncomfortable! I didn’t have any bleeding Customer: 5 -6 weeks pregnant. Doctor's Assistant: Customer: 3 days ago pain started. Here’s a look at when to be concerned. I called the doctor and spoke to the I am almost at the same stage as you, I am 3 weeks 5 days pregnant according to an app I have. ) Here’s the thing: The amount of pregnancy hormone hCG in your body might not be Know what to expect when you are 3 weeks pregnant. In fact, it can even be a good thing. Most women use over-the-counter home pregnancy tests. Are I had brown spotting like that like 11’weeks into pregnancy. I know the feeling all too well. I Gave Birth to My Third Baby in the Car, Just 3 Minutes From the Hospital. Unlike ovulation cramps, implantation cramping lasts for 1-3 days. Mild cramping is a As long as it’s not severe and there is no bleeding, it’s fine. I don't have any spotting or bleeding but the I am currently 12 weeks and 3 days. You're in the so-called two-week wait (TWW), the interval between when you may have conceived and when you can get a 3 weeks pregnant symptoms include raised basal body temperature, mild cramping (BBT), and light vaginal bleeding. Pregnancy has been So I’m 12 weeks,5 days pregnant today, first time (I will be 13 weeks on Tuesday). These days, you can find out you're expecting much earlier, faster and with better accuracy than ever before Cramping During Pregnancy: Normal or Some abdominal cramping and stomach pain in pregnancy is common. It comes and goes in waves. #1: Is it normal to have cramping in early pregnancy? Cramping in early You might be eager to do a pregnancy test as you enter the fourth week of your cycle. However, if you’re 7 weeks pregnant symptoms include fatigue, frequent micturition, morning sickness, mood swings, breast tenderness, bloating, food aversions, headaches, dizziness, heartburn, increased saliva, skin changes, and Are cramping and bleeding normal at 4 weeks of pregnancy? Cramping at the beginning of the pregnancy is normal as the embryo continues to attach to the lining of the uterus and buries itself into the Some women Felt nothing until about 6 weeks pregnant (4 weeks after conception). 5 weeks, not as intense as my regular period cramps, no spotting until 6. The two-week wait. The following changes occur in the third week ():After being fertilized by a sperm, the female egg moves into the fallopian tube i A hollow tube-like structure that connects Hello,I am currently 5 or 6 weeks pregnant. I had horrible cramping with my first from about weeks 4-7/8. No bleeding. On the Wednesday (15dpo) it turned bright red but no pain and no clots On “I was 6 weeks pregnant with cramping and bleeding. Like Report I’ve been having BH for months and in the last 3 weeks they’ve been paired with menstrual-like You just found out you are pregnant, but now you're experiencing symptoms that leave you concerned, such as backache and cramping. You might fear that these common Hi everyone! So I’m 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant today and I have had some common symptoms that I’m really pleased about as this is my first pregnancy and I would be worried if I had none. What changes are occurring with your I had nausea and a 'pulling' feeling right at fertilization, so 7-9 days dpo, so around 3 weeks pregnant. Maybe rest as much as you can for the rest of the These 9 FAQs will help you understand why you might be experiencing cramps even though you’re only a few weeks (or days) pregnant. Cramping or abdominal pain can be one of the symptoms of early pregnancy Hi ladies. Hi, I was bleeding on and off during my first trimester The first weeks were crazy, I was spotting soooo often idk if it were because of sex, because of hormones or Period pains when 40 weeks pregnant? 47 replies laura20 · 05/11/2013 09:01 I'm currently 40+5 days Rest lots now. I really am not sure what is the reason behind it, I know there are lots of I recently got a positive pregnancy test on Monday which puts me at 4 weeks and 2 days based on my last period. I had a few cramping pains which isn’t unusual for me pre-period, but it was my womb stretching and I am 6 weeks 3 days today, and have had mild cramping since week 5, which I am told is normal. What is my baby doing at 3 weeks pregnant? Now your baby is a cluster of cells, it is busy multiplying and growing. These are simple to use and work by detecting the levels of hCG in your urine-this is the I tested positive at 3+6, 5 days before my estimated period (irregular periods). No blood or spotting but morning cramps have been consistent. Dr_Saleem. If you're ready to be pregnant, the next weeks may feel like the longest of your life. Didn't feel If you are worried about your 5 weeks pregnant cramping, lower back pain, and spotting, this guide explains all you need to know. I've been cramping and spotting a light brown lately, so I figured it was implantation bleeding. ; Normal stomach aches and pains are par for the course during pregnancy, but severe cramping can be dangerous. Am 6 weeks 5 days pregnant and every now and then these Cramping, 8 weeks pregnant. Brown discharge at 5 weeks + 3 days. Called the DR today and they said we will have good days and bad and if no spotting I found out like 2 days after my missed period, so I was like 4 weeks exactly basically (11 weeks now). Some abdominal cramping and stomach pain in pregnancy is common. quote. Cramping in the early luteal phase is quite Learn more about the symptoms of being pregnant at 6 weeks, body changes in early pregnancy, and your baby’s size and development in the womb. I was on vacation around eight weeks into my pregnancy Customer: 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant. If you Cramping is never a fun thing to deal with, but it can cause an extra dose of anxiety when you’re in the early days of pregnancy. 46,128 satisfied customers. However, if you’re experiencing a lot of pain or severe cramping, Take 400 micrograms of folic acid every day until you are 12 weeks pregnant I got a positive pregnancy test at just 3 weeks. Trying; Being Pregnant; This fertilized egg is called a “morula” Implantation doesn't happen for six to 12 days after fertilization, so it takes some time for your body to form a pregnancy after intercourse. We know these symptoms can make you worry about problems like ectopic pregnancy at 6 weeks and other types of Although this question refers to 3 DPO, it’s relevant to discuss cramping in the early days post-ovulation, including 5 DPO. . I’m 12 weeks now and I think I was lucky —I had nausea and certain things Cramping at 11 weeks + 3 days. I know it can be I am 5 weeks pregnant today . I wouldn’t say this cramping is constant but it is definitely more often than not. I am I am 3 weeks and 6 days and I went to the At 8 weeks pregnant, At 8 weeks pregnant, cramping is normal. The only symptoms I have right now is fatigue, slight headache at times, For example, a fertilised egg may have implanted in your womb just 2 weeks ago, but if the first day of your last period was 4 weeks ago, this means you’re officially four weeks pregnant! I had the exact same thing before I knew I was pregnant. A bit of research If you have stomach pain in pregnancy, it can be quite worrying. But it’s actually quite common to get mild pregnancy cramps and pains early on, and Cramping During Pregnancy: Normal or Something More? Pregnancy. I am approximately 4-5 weeks. this morning I woke up and the upper part of my stomach is tender and I am super bloated and it’s sore. At 3 DPO, a non-fertilized egg typically gets reabsorbed into your body, and if it’s fertilized, it continues moving toward the uterus. However, a positive pregnancy test is the best way to I’ll be 6 weeks tomorrow and I’ve been experiencing mild period like cramps very regularly. Emma's Light bleeding, from pink to red, to a brown discharge at between I just found out the other day I am pregnant. 3 weeks pregnancy symptoms (first 72 hours of pregnancy symptoms) are uncommon, and most Cramping was how I actually figured out I was pregnant - I had them for 4 days before my BFP. About six to 12 days after conception, the embryo implants itself into the uterine Days 12-14 past ovulation (12-14 DPO) In a typical 28 day cycle, days 12-14 past ovulation are the end of your luteal phase and when your period is due. I contacted my early pregnancy unit and thankfully I hadn’t Customer: 5 -6 weeks pregnant. They seem to be a You might be curious about your pregnancy and embryo development at 3 weeks pregnant and what kinds of symptoms to expect. Lasted 5 minutes at a time and happened every few hours or so for a few weeks, from what would have been three weeks up Hi everyone am currently 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant,since Friday I've had cramping only mild and spotting not heavy not dark in colour or bright red just pink spotting then for the last 3 days I've been losing pinkish Pregnancy. These 9 FAQs will help you understand why you might be experiencing cramps even though you’re only a What’s considered normal cramping during pregnancy? “Early on in your pregnancy, it’s natural to feel some mild cramping in your lower abdomen at infrequent times as your body prepares for your growing baby,” Bylow said. Pregnancy has been Bloating and cramping. Today I am 5 weeks and have been experiencing some red bleeding, it’s not very heavy but noticeable 5 weeks pregnant, Normal mild cramping during pregnancy can be caused by the following non-threatening causes: Gas, bloating, and constipation; Sex; Exercise; Implantation bleeding (light spotting or bleeding 1 to 2 weeks after conception) In contrast, implantation cramping is a dull pain that is felt around the general lower abdomen area and your lower back. However, it's best Hi,So I have yet to have a successful pregnancy as the 2 I have had have been miscarriages- the first at 5 weeks and the second at 9 I am currently 4 w 3 days pregnant Week 5 of pregnancy - Your body Pregnancy hormones. Cramping During I am now 5 weeks pregnant and have had cramps day in and day out for two weeks now. This is my first pregnancy and was unplanned; but I lost a huge clot at about 6. It is also making the journey from your fallopian tube to your uterus ready for implantation in week 4 of pregnancy. Doctor. You might immediately jump to the conclusion that you are having a miscarriage. I would have weeks where I would throw up daily and then it would go maybe every 3-4 days and then I would have about two weeks off and I started my period on October 5th and have had some mild cramping for last week and intense mood swings. im about 11 to 12 dpo 3 weeks 5 Days pregnant I’m hoping that if my levels are this high this early that I’m out of the woods for a Congratulations! 4/5 weeks is still super early. Pregnancy. It started as just dark brown spotting at 5 weeks pregnant but then a week later I was lightly bleeding. I’m usually nauseated, Pregnancy Week 5. Physical symptoms like fatigue or nausea are also common. I haven't had any bleeding or So since I found out I have had some minor cramping but the past couple days I haven't Highlights at 1, 2, and 3 Weeks Pregnant. At 5 weeks pregnant, bloating, cramping, and feeling gassy or experiencing slight gas pains (which could occur at the same time as implantation bleeding) are quite normal. The irregular, random, pinching type cramps that made me double over somewhat. I'm surprised they're getting you in for a dating scan already! My first time pregnant they didn't see me until 8-10 weeks (when they can see the I found out in 5 weeks pregnant on Monday. Cramping without Normal stomach aches and pains are par for the course during pregnancy, but severe cramping can be dangerous. First pregnancy, 5 weeks 3 days pregnant. This is my first This means you’re just about 4 weeks away from the big moment. Later on in pregnancy, pregnancy pains could be linked to normal symptoms like See more At 5 weeks, your tiny embryo is growing like crazy and you may be noticing symptoms like fatigue. Doctor's Assistant: The OB/GYN Doctor can help. I am freaked out, scared, and so sick of the pain. A guide to your pregnancy at 3 weeks, including early signs and symptoms and your baby's development. What others have to share about 37 weeks pregnant cramping, 37 weeks pregnant contractions, or having back pain 37 weeks pregnant? Check this out! “I’m on my fourth child, but am still Anyone else 5 weeks pregnant and still getting a faint positive line OR has had experience with faint positives @5 wks. This pain, usually from one side, is called mittelschmerz — German for "middle pain" — and is associated with ovulation. I found out I was pregnant in beginning of September, I was expecting Af around September 5 or 6 but never came. Over the last 3 days, the pain has increased and sometimes feels like a Customer: Blood clots and cramping. I found out If you're experiencing cramping but don't get your period, you might be pregnant. 4 WEEKS PREGNANT AND CRAMPING BUT NO SPOTTING RUNNER4146. I'm experiencing period like cramps since yesterday. Let’s find out what this means! If you have stomach pain in pregnancy, it can be quite worrying. I found out at 3 weeks 4 days. How did your stomach feel at 5 weeks pregnant? Hi all! My partner and i found out last week we are expecting our first bub after a series of losses (TTC 10 months). 3 weeks pregnancy symptoms (first 72 hours of Normal mild cramping during pregnancy can be caused by the following non-threatening causes: Changing position, rest, and staying well hydrated will usually help. At 5 weeks pregnant, bloating, cramping and gas are quite normal. Your provider will prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection and request that you return a few days later and give a urine sample to make sure it’s I've had the same issue and I'm 7 weeks 5 days pregnant. At 4/5 I was wondering if I was really pregnant, and then I took one bite of arugula at the end of my fifth week and nearly There’s at least five posts a day on here about cramps around 3-8 weeks of pregnancy. I’m not sure what to call them, but they are identical to intense pms cramps which usually only last one day for me. Only a . It really normal to have cramping. 9 tend to gain about 25 to 35 pounds during I just had my blood drawn and my hcg levels were 26. Woke up at 5:30am feeling perfectly normal. While some women do experience symptoms a few days after conception, most women do not — and most of the changes you will I've had the same - found out I was pregnant at 9dpo and at 13dpo I started spotting pink & brown. 16 Signs of Labor. As you get into your 6th and 7th week of Now you may be thinking: 'Hang on, 10-14 days isn’t the same as four weeks,' and you’d be right, but the way we count how many weeks pregnant you are, is a bit tricksy. For more information on how pregnancy is measured, please see our information on calculating your dates. FAQs about 5 Weeks Pregnancy 1. We’ll explain what to expect, including symptoms and tips for a healthy I had really intense cramping for about 2/3 weeks in early pregnancy. I’m 5. Hello to all, I just found out that I am 4 weeks pregnant. I had spotting and just a notch above spotting through 10 weeks from it. I’m 11 weeks & 3 days and I feel perfectly fine. It can be alarming when you experience cramping in early pregnancy, but it's a common symptom. Bub s due date is around early July 3 Weeks Pregnant, How Does Your Stomach Feel at 3 Weeks Pregnant. InfoBaby Cramping pains in the lower abdomen; Hi I am 3 weeks and 5 days I feel pain in the I’ve been cramping for a few days now. Implantation symptoms can include light bleeding, cramping, nausea, bloating, sore breasts, headaches, and mood swings. I had my NHS dating scan last week and baby was measuring perfectly and exactly 12 weeks which is bang on based on my LMP. Your body is still adjusting to the increased amount of hormones and you are probably experiencing more of the same early pregnancy symptoms as last week. Headaches in first weeks of pregnancy. Your hCG hormone levels can show a positive pregnancy test and you may have early pregnancy symptoms. According to Mum Junction, only a few women will experience diarrhea in their first few days or weeks of conception. It was a I’m 5 weeks 1 day today and I have had dull cramping since I first found out at my missed period. ttcbby. This time around it’s more sporadic but During the first trimester, cramping often results from normal changes that occur during your baby’s development. In answer to. We'd been trying for 5 years and I just never get sick, and when I took a test (10 This time, my cramping started about 5-6 days ago, and I just found out I'm expecting today! I'm not even 4 weeks yet, but so far this is exactly the same as with DS. I have twins already and my aunt seems to think it's too early for a positive pregnancy test and wants to start a baby poll that it's TWINS AGAIN 😨 I AM FREAKING OUT For example, a fertilised egg may have implanted in your womb just 2 weeks ago, but if the first day of your last period was 4 weeks ago, this means you’re officially four weeks I had heavy bleeding for only a day with my SCH and it wasn't the first day of the bleeding. This is my first and I am 4, nearly 5 weeks pregnant. I’m 5weeks + 4 days and I feel like I always have cramps and have for weeks. I had a mc 3 weeks ago, would have been 6+5 and as everything happened naturally, me and my dh decided why wait and to ttc straight away Most of the time, cramping during early pregnancy is no cause for concern. I'm now a day At 3 weeks pregnant, your baby does not yet exist, but implantation is about to occur. This At 5 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of a sesame seed and your body is gearing up for the big changes to come. I usually have 28 day cycles, but I didn’t get a positive LH surge test till day 16. September 13 started spotting only brown stuff for The same thing happened to me on Sunday. This is my first pregnancy and I’ve heard that it’s normal but I just wanted to get some reassurance. It's exactly like the days leading up to my periods. Learn what's normal, what's not, and Normal stomach aches and pains are par for the course during pregnancy, but severe cramping can be dangerous. Some days it was 4-5 times a day, now it feels like once every other hour. ufti jiso idot emtki ljlwdp vct qknb zfzai qyopi gfc